湯水のように金を使う 1の英語
- 1. like it grows on trees
2. spend money like a drunken sailor
3. throw around one's dough 湯水のように金を使う 2
splurge on〔~に〕
金を湯水のように使う: 1. make the money fly 2. spend money in the same profusion as water 3. spend money like water / spend money recklessly / spend money like it's going out of fashion 4. throw one's money around [about
湯水のように使う 1: 1. scatter to the winds 2. spend like water 3. throw around [about] 湯水のように使う 2 make ducks and drakes of / play ducks and drakes with〔~を〕
湯水のように: 1. like it grows on trees 2. like water
湯水のように浪費する: 1. make ducks of 2. play (at) ducks with
好きなように金を使う権利がある: deserve to spend money however one wishes
本に金を使う: spend money on book
死に金を使う: 1. spend money to little purpose 2. spend money to no purpose 3. throw (one's) money away / throw away (one's) money
酒に金を使う: spend money on drink
いたずらに金を使う 1: spend money uselessly いたずらに金を使う 2 waste (one's) money (on)〔~に〕
ふんだんに金を使う 1: spend lavishly ふんだんに金を使う 2 lavish one's money (on)〔~に〕
すぐに金を使う: spend one's money immediately
やたらに金を使う: spend money like water / spend money recklessly / spend money like it's going out of fashion
大胆に金を使う: use money adventurously
娯楽に金を使う: spend money on [upon] one's pleasures
派手に金を使う: 1. go have a splurge 2. go on a splurge 3. lash out